Computer quiz
Posted on
25-April-2017 9:18:46 AM
Q1. Bluetooth is an example of
(a) Personal area network
(b) Local area network
(b) Virtual private network
(d) None of the above
(e) Wireless fidelity
Q2. Which of the following extends a private network across public networks?
(a) Local area network
(b) Virtual private network
(c) Enterprise private network
(d) Storage area network
Q3. Faster Supercomputer in the world as of June 2016,
(a) Sunway Taihulight
(b) IBM HS20
(c) Cray xc40
(d) SAGA
Q4. Weibo is a micro-blogging site popular in
(a) India
(b) USA
(c) South Korea
(d) China
(e) New Zealand
Q5. A relational database consists of a collection of
(a) Tables
(b) Entities
(c) Records
(d) Keys
(e) ROM
Q6. Database _______ which is the logical design of the database,
and the database ________ which is snapshot of the data in the database at given instant in time.
(a) Instance, Schema
(b) Relation, Schema
(c) Relation, Domain
(d) Schema, Instance
(e) Trees, Attributes
Q7. During the execution of instructions, a copy of instruction is placed in the
(a) Register
(b) RAM
(c) System heap
(d) Cache
(e) ROM
Q8. Which is not an object oriented Programming language-?
(a) JAVA
(c) C++
(b) Python
(e) Ruby
Q9. Which of the following is not a FONT EFFECT?
(a) Font Color
(b) Super Script
(c) Engrave
(d) Strike Through
(e) Bold
Q10. CTLR + ENTER KEY(Return) is a short cut to insert?
(a) Table
(b) Picture
(c) Clip Art
(d) Page Break
(e) MP3 files